Direct Mail Marketing Blog | Wilen

It's what's on the outside that counts

Written by EMOTL | Oct 10, 2014 9:17:35 PM

Consumers can easily differentiate between mail from businesses and mail from friends and family based on visual cues. Smart marketers are blurring those lines to help businesses stand out in the clutter. A recent Mintel research report showcases some new tricks being tested by direct marketers.

In a recent DM effort, a communications provider mimicked the look and feel of a greeting card throughout the piece.

Featuring a yellow envelope, sticker seal, live stamp and a font with vibrant colors resembling handwriting, they were able to offer their phone service in a way that was out of the ordinary.

A financial services provider leveraged the instant recognition of FedEx envelopes to deliver a refinance offer to consumers.

Use of these tactics is sure to boost open rates of an important offer every once in a while, but the report notes there are risks with these types of tactics. A thin line exists between being clever and being deceptive. It’s up to marketers to figure out where to draw that line before customers become turned off.

You may be thinking that the above examples are extreme measures to take in return for marginally increased open and response rates. The truth is, we've seen as much as a 100% variance in response with the use of different outer envelope messages. With today's printing technology, there are infinite possibilities to make your marketing stand out in the mailbox.